About me

I have been interested in people, medicine, psychology, spirituality and healing since my childhood. My maternal grandmother herself was a healer. Even then I had an everyday familiarity with the subtle realms of existence, and fortunately, this connection has continued to this day.

After studying educational theory I went to Zurich and went through a five-year body-oriented, deep-psychological training in Biosynthesis with David Boadella.

Encounters and apprenticeships with healers helped me to deepen and further expand my experiences in energetic work.

In 2007 I completed my training in Family Constellation at the Hellinger School.

As a participant in the Euheals Study - a scientific study of healing with healers from all over Europe which was sanctioned by the European Commission, under the direction of Dr. Harald Wiesendanger -, it is of great concern to me that this age-old knowledge be researched scientifically and that healers meet with acknowledgement in this society. (See H. Wiesendanger, In guten Händen, 2005.)

I have been working since 1986 in my own practice - initially in Zurich and then in southern Germany, near Waldshut/Zurzach. A satisfying cooperation has arisen with some doctors, which the clients find very supportive for their recuperative process.

Through the practice of various meditative methods, I have learned to practice mindfulness, to perceive the moment and let it be.

Regular seminars take place both in and away from my practice offices, for example: family and systemic constellations, meditation courses, firewalking seminars, crystal and gemstone courses, women's healing circles, breath journeys, and journeys to various places of worship and power.

Learning and growing in this profession never ends, and I especially believe that my three children, as well as my grandchildren have been my greatest teachers.

Claudia Marcian